Cash Gifting Program Facts For Success

Cash Gifting, (CG for short) Let me lay it out for you in simple terms

Here we go with what you will learn from our team.

1. Step-by-step strategies on how to succeed quickly.

2. The pros and cons of what's legal and safe about this program.

3. What the business is all about.

5. How to generate good target leads.

6. Tip for using the internet to become successful with CG program

7. Tools of the trade tried and proven.

See how CG Lets You accumulate large sums of cash Any Economy.

You are not alone if you avoid things like Network Marketing because you don’t like selling, believe
me you are not alone.

About 70%-80% of all people do not like selling. Mostly because they feel they aren't very good at selling.
The different here is you don't have to be good at selling to succeed with CG!

CG is not new--it's been around many years in many different forms
It evolved to fill a need, which was for people to have a way to
raise cash without the hype of selling or even actually having a product.

If you're looking for a life change, looking to get out of a 9-5 job, looking for a second job, looking for financially freedom you can get this goal met with CG.

Try it part-time or full time and see the outcome.  Most CG"s starts part-time. They soon see that quitting there 9-5 is a reality, then they go Full time working part time.  One of the perk of this program.

Click Here To Discover The Truth About Cash Gifting

Check out what exactly is Beneficial about CASH GIFTING

1. No selling
2. No buying
3. No commissions
4. No network marketing
5. No boss
6. No travel
7. No office, home office
8. No figuring out the program alone to make cash
9. No scams
10. No illegal dealing

CASH GIFTING (CG for short) is privately or publicly giving another Person a declared sum of cash (as a gift with no strings attached) and to give it freely (without coerce or consideration).

So is it legal this CG? Yes according to your government you can
give cash. According the IRS' own rules, IRS Tax Code Title 29 and
Publication 950 say that you're allowed to give any one person a
gifts of cash of up to $12,000 per year, and you can receive gifts
from any one person up to $12,000 per year without being taxed on it.  
This is subject to the gifting laws and regulations in IRS Tax
Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.

How does it work step by step?

To sum it up in a few words first , you just find new friends, or strangers , educating them about
CG, and then inviting them into the program. That it…And anyone can learn the program no matter what age  18-100 year old it does not matter.

Here are the Details and the FACTS… Let's go through each step from the Beginning.

1. You arrive at my website by accidentally surfing, by world of mouth, from friend or family suggestion, from phone calls, postcards or other. When you arrives at my website. You will  fill in the form  to get the FREE information. You will look at all the videos,  and listen to the entire phone messages. 

2. Next you call the phone number on the website or email the person on the website.  Who is your Inviter?  He or she will get back to you ASAP to tell you more about the program or to answer any questions you may have about the program.

3. Your Inviter will invite you  to join the program during this conversation.  By "private personal, invitation only"   

4. You will receive your Personal Invitation in an email with a website URL and password to get started. Join as a member of our "private personal, invitation only" activity. Now log into the guest website 

5. This is a 2 stage opt in site. You will then be asked to check your email. You have been e-Mailed your Guest Code. Please read the agreement below, enter the current Guest Code and click "I Agree"  You are now in.

6. Look around. Click on “Join” at the top of the site when ready.
Choose the level you want to start with...
Level 1 - $500
Level 2 - $1500
Level 3 - $2500
Level 4 - $3,500
Level 5 - $5,500
Level 6 - $7,500
Level 7 - $12,000
It's very SIMPLE...

Now pay your site hosting and tracking software fee. You will not be able to access your member's area or invite other members unless your hosting and tracking software fee are current. The fee for use of the site and tracking software is $120 yearly Pay by PayPal.  The website has a yearly fee of $147.
(If You Start with Level 2 $1500 + the $120 yearly admin fee + the $147 yearly  website fee to Ez1Up. Total at this level to start will be $1767)

7. You will be automatically and instantly notified via email with your ID# and specific information as to whom you should contact and send your gift to.

8.  Print out documents for beneficiary. Make sure you sign and date the statements.

9. Contact beneficiary for his/her address. The beneficiary will tell you exactly how he/she would like to receive your pledge (cash, money order, etc). It is up to the BENEFICIARY to decide how they will receive the pledge, just as you will be able to decide how you want to receive your pledges.

10. Send your gift along with documents to beneficiary according to his/her instructions. If using a non-electronic method of pledging, the pledge must be send out for next day delivery using an overnight courier (i.e., Federal Express, UPS, Airborne). 

11. Contact your inviter and your beneficiary. Notify them that your gift has been sent. As soon as your beneficiary(s) confirm(s) receipt of your pledge you may access the Members Area.

12. Take the time to become familiar with the web site back office.

13. Your inviter will provides you start-up training and mentoring.

14. You get to invite as many people as you like to CG

15. You get suggestion on how to get people to join both online and offline.

Thousands upon thousands of people have profited and changed their lives
with CG you owe it to yourself and your family to get in on the action,
the fun, and the cash!

This is the sweet part of the program. Digital software real time tracking for tracking all your gifts  so you don’t  have to worry about anything...  The system tracks rollup cash gifts , regular cash gifting, clients who have not join yet and  auto responders.  Anything that needs tracking it will be done here so you don't have to.   

Everything that you'll need will be on your own web site, set up
for you with all the tools.
Other tools
·    Private, password protected website that explains this powerful system.
·    Multiple recorded calls available 24/7.
·    Scripts to help you to learn how to invite and share this system with others.
·    Various in-place lead systems that will bring people to you who are seriously
looking to generate cash.
·    Member's Back Office that tracks all of your Receiving Lines in Real Time.

This program is an incredible revolutionary System to infinity. It's structure is creating so much excitement! By practicing the true spirit of People Helping People you WILL create positive changes in your financial future and other.

Now it is your time to get your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

Here Is What Happens with the System now that your are In.

1. You join at $7500 level.  Sent your $7500 Gift to your (Inviter Me Ru)

2. You then invite your 1st person to join say Mary,


Here's the Meat and Potatoes of the 1UP system.  Now you are Free at last to start.
Start receiving gifts all the way up to your joined level on this receiving line.  

3. Your very next invitee, say Allie to join will have you in profit up to your level. 
Allie is the 2nd person you invited; she joins at the $7500 and started your first receiving line. 

4.  Allie then sends you her $7500 gift.
Now guess what, Allie invites her first person Tom and he will pass up to you also
This look like $15,000 already

Do this over and over, on and on to infinity. Do the Math with 10 people HAVING TO SEND there FIRST GIFT TO YOU! Is this simple or what?

All This May Seem confusing to you right about now.  Hard keeping up with all the above transactions? 
No Worries the Tracking software you purchased keeps track of all of this for you and more. How simple can this get?

Oh, Yes you can UPGRADE TO a HIGHER LEVELS when ever you want, It EASY to do with our system. Do so by gifting the DIFFERENCE between the level you're currently are to the level you wish to upgrade to

Like this: If you are at  level 2 $1500 and you wish to upgrade to the level 3 $2,500.  you would simply gift the difference which would be $1,000.

Imagine all the people that will send you cash. Imagine  how good you will feel getting that cash delivered right to your front door.

Remember the  successful people in our program have one thing in common
They share this opportunity with many and lots of people every day. Talk to lots of prospects, get them through your Automated Presentation System  , and follow up with them. The more you do that, the more cash you will receive. Good Luck

About the Author:

Dreamcatch9 is a online product reviewer. Learn more on how you can make money online by gifting cash to get cash. Visit here for the information "> . It is possible to "> be successful with Cash Gifting Program.

Article Source: - Cash Gifting Program Facts For Success

Make Money Online, Work From Home, Cash Gifting Program, Cash Gifting Income, Web Marketing Program