Making Money Online

There is a forever growing countless number of online money making opportunities on the internet today.
Mostly legitimate one's but unfortunately there's also a lot of SCAMS floating around to avoid and many pitfalls to look out for which is why many online marketers remain skeptical. For affiliate marketing newbies, this is also difficult because without the knowledge they are more likely to fall into a trap and part with their money.

This is why I have created some simple tips to use when searching for that legitimate home business opportunity and affiliate program.

My First Tip would be to "GOOGLE" the name of the opportunity into the search bar. Visit forums and ask for feedback. Read Testimonials and Reviews to see what other's are saying. Even visit chat rooms and social networking sites to gain yet even more feedback.

Second Tip: Visit alexa and quantcast to enter the url of your chosen opportunity into these 2 sites. All the relevant information will then be displayed such as the online ranking, top search terms used, the related urls, the demographics and much more. If however the search reults display "No data" or "Not enough data", it's obvious the opportunity is either fairly new, unpopular or even a SCAM.

Third Tip: Use the Google KeyWord Tool. Again enter the url of your opportunity into the tool to display all the associated keywords used to search for the opportunity. Just like above, if there's hardly any keywords displayed or not enough data, I would say pick another home business.

Fourth Tip: Are there any well known companies connected with the opportunity? Does the website display info such as: We are seen on Google,YAHOO etc... etc...? If so, email these companies for positive feedback and extra piece of mind.

Last Tip: Search for websites such as forbes which list the top business opportunities. Even take your efforts offline and read through business magazines for added feedback.

There are plenty of ways to research the online marketing world and all are really simple too. It's just a case of putting your mind to it. Research and Preperation are two important factors to consider when setting up any online and offline business, so remember to always do your "Home Work".


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Article Source: - Making Money Online

Affiliate Marketing, Home Business Opportunity, Scams, Affiliate Program, Legitimate, Networking Sites, Online Money Making Opportunities