Research has shown that people who depend solely on their salaries end up frustrated later in life after their retirement. This calls for radical measures by every person who has a pay check every month. However, starting a business is not an overnight decision. There are very many factors to consider before engaging in any business venture. Of all the factors that one should consider, the most important is to know which business you would like to engage in. Other factors include: location, proximity to customers and suppliers, government regulations and the possibility of business expansion.
If you intend to begin any business, you should ask yourself why some entrepreneurs succeed in every business they begin while others fail even before they begin. There is only one secret behind success in business, and that is to know where to invest. If you make a wrong investment decision, it does not matter how right you choose the other factors. The fact is that you have already failed.
To succeed in business, you need to identify a need in your society. I need to take you back to your elementary studies. I want you to understand that there are three basic needs;
" Food
" Shelter
" Clothing
This is where you must begin. Research has shown that the richest people on earth are in one way or another involved in hotel (food) business. Think about the richest in your area, does he or she own a hotel, or a partner in one?
Investing in real estates (shelter) is one of the best investments you can ever make. This is because you are assured of a constant inflow of cash every month. Think of the next richest person in your locality and see whether he or she has invested in real estate.
Fashion changes on daily basis. Women want to put on new hair styles, jewellery and clothing, while men on he other side are nowadays turning stylish. You need to think about investing in the fashion (clothing) world.
You have to realize that no matter the economic status people must eat, wear clothes and live in houses. So go on and invest in any of the three.

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Food, Success, Clothing, Millionaire, Business Venture, Shelter, Small Business Management, Investment Decision, Management Of Funds, Cash Inflow