The Critical Differences Between MLM and the More Lucrative GPT - A Review You Must Know

One of the most sought after departments in the Network Marketing, Home Based business, Make Money Online or Work At Home industry is multi level marketing or MLM as it's affectionately called. However over the last couple of years there is a new kid on the block called Get Paid Today, or G.P.T. for short. I have been asked a number of times about the differences between these two high players in our industry. This article is my attempt to show you, my dear fellow entrepreneur and reader the most critical differences between the two, what you should know before you jump into any one of them. Or if you are already in MLM, what you can do about it to turn the tide in your favor, because guess what 'the end is nigh' for one of them. Read to find out which one is dead and what killed it.

- MLM has been around since the dawn of our industry. As the name suggests, you have to recruit people, who in turn go on to recruit more people and the cycle goes on sometimes 5, 7 or even 9 levels deep. This is called your downline. You typically have several people under you in 'your organization'. However with G.P.T., it goes only one level deep. Here there is no limit to the number of people you can recruit personally. Your income is proportional to your input. This may seem like a bad thing you just read on why I vote in favor of G.P.T.

- With MLM you get 'peanut', tiny paychecks and you have to have hundreds if not thousands of people in your organization in order to make any real significant income that will help you take that nice vacation you promised your family long ago, or retire in style. With G.P.T., all you need is a 'handful' of people in your organization to make a six figure income from home. The highest amount of checks I made with my last MLM company was $40 a month. When I plugged into the G.P.T., I made over $3000 in my first month. Check my blog for the results.

- The compensation structure of MLM is like this: you are paid little commissions upfront and high residual commissions on the back end or vice versa. This is bad. With G.P.T., you are paid high upfront commission on your sales and also high residual commission which can help you retire quickly.

- When you join MLM companies the first thing you are told is to make a list of friends and family members, neighbors and invite them to watch your replicated corporate website. This is one of the surest ways of the alienate your friends and family from you, because they are the wrong people in the first place. You have order products, hold home product parties with a view to convincing your guests to join your business. Wrong! You distribute flyers at shopping malls, sticks them flyers at bus stops, stop strangers in the street with a clipboard, trying to recruit them into your business. I did all these when I was in MLM but what I had to show for it at the end of the month was $40 measly check or less. In effect there was no real marketing training. With G.P.T., you are trained, coached and mentored on how to market! There is none of the things mentioned above. Your prospects come to you instead of you going to them, and hunting them down.

- MLM is dead! G.P.T. is alive! The Internet killed MLM and made G.P.T. live. How and why you may ask. The latter uses the power of the Internet to bring people into your business, people find you instead of you finding them, which is really cool! This means that there is no rejection because you only talk to people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

- G.P.T. - as the name suggests means that you get paid today! In fact I get paid before my company does! Really smart! With ALL the MLM companies is dabbled in, I usually received my paycheck second week into the following month for the previous months commissions.

So which one would you choose? The dead and never-to-resurrect MLM or the living and breathing G.P.T. business model? I think the choice is crystally, clearly obvious. In fact you do not need to be a brain surgeon to know which to choose.

I hope this article has helped you know the differences between MLM and the lucrative G.P.T. model. And that it has helped you decide which one to go into.

To find out more please visit the site below

The best of success to you and see you at the top.

Thanks for reading

About the Author:

Hello,My name is Sampson Agyekum, 31, married with a nine month old son. I used to work as an Oracle Admin but not any more thanks to Network Marketing. I am full time Network Marketer. I provide training, coaching and mentoring to other network marketers to help everyone realize their dreams. I believe that I can help you achieve your goals as I have helped over 100 in my team within the last 3 months. If you need my help you know how to get me.Thanks

Article Source: - The Critical Differences Between MLM and the More Lucrative GPT - A Review You Must Know

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